Sunday 6 January 2019

Choosing a Cowboy hat (kovbojskéklobouky)

When you need to get a Cowboy hat (kovbojskéklobouky) and you know nothing about it, you don’t just enter into the store and pick a hat based on how it looks and how you feel. If you do, it will soon tell that you are a novice as regarding the personality you are trying to portray dressed like a cowboy. You definitely need a guide on how to pick the best hat for yourself. Firstly, you need to know that there are different types and know the types that we have.
There are about 8 major types: we have the “Open crown” which has its top, round and tall to give enough room underneath. Also, the “Pinched front” hat which has a V-shaped styled front. The shape is useful for easy removal should you need to tip your hat to say hi. Also, the shape helps for easy flow of air so that your Cowboy hat (kovbojskéklobouky) is not easily blown away by the wind. We also have the “Gus” which has a high crown and slope from back to front with three dimples. The fourth is, the “Derby” with a shot round crown and the brim is curved upward. Then the “Amish” has a flat belt around the base of its crown. The “Tom mix” is the same as the Gus only that it is bigger. The “Cattleman” is designed to keep the sun off your face, it has 3 dimples. Lastly, “The Brick” is a modified cattleman but with a rectangular dimple. Click here to know more about #klobouk pro kovbove.

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