Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Know here about the unheard unique game of India, Teer

Visiting Guwahati, Meghalaya’s capital is a must at least once in a lifetime to enjoy the thrill of the archery game teer. It is a widely played game in this North Eastern state of India and heavy betting and heavy exchange of money takes place. People throng daily in the evening to the fields where the game has to take place. And bidding is done on the number of arrows that can hit the target. It is a wing to see the frenzy that is set each evening on the fields when peasant from the nearby villagers come in to play as the shooter and later paid for it per day.
Know about the game
The game has 50 archers, shooting towards a target where they shoot 10 arrows in one go and they can have to shoot a minimum of 300 arrows and can go upto a maximum of 1000 arrows in one entire sitting. In the end, officials then count the number of hits on the target. The last two digits, of the three-digit number, is considered as the successful hit count. With this the khanapara teer result given out. Click here to know more about #khanapara teer result.


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  2. Get daily shillong teer result, shillong teer common number shillong teer result
