This may result in you been taken to court. Getting to court could get you to write off council tax debt and it may get you to pay back in full. Whichever way, you will be charged to pay court fee which itself can be very costly. This will compound your financial troubles if the reason you have been unable to pay is because of some financial challenges. The best in other to avoid all of these is to contact your council office to tell them the situation of things. You will then arrange on how you’ll clear your debt.
Failure to do this will lead to a legal route. Those who fail to comply with legal rulings are visited by the bailiffs. The bailiffs are fierce debt collectors. They have a higher power in the business of collecting debts. A bailiff has the right to visit your home, seize some of your properties, clamp your vehicle and so other fierce methods and they do these legally. Once you notice you are having financial trouble, it is best to let the local council know this. Come out plain and draw out a payment plan. This way, you can get your council tax debt written off. Click here to know more about
Failure to do this will lead to a legal route. Those who fail to comply with legal rulings are visited by the bailiffs. The bailiffs are fierce debt collectors. They have a higher power in the business of collecting debts. A bailiff has the right to visit your home, seize some of your properties, clamp your vehicle and so other fierce methods and they do these legally. Once you notice you are having financial trouble, it is best to let the local council know this. Come out plain and draw out a payment plan. This way, you can get your council tax debt written off. Click here to know more about
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