Friday 23 November 2018

Know how to prevent osteopenia

The need for doctors is arising due to poor health management and lack of caution. Health is delicate and must be treated as such to live a good life. It is obvious that nobody wants to die even the old, despite the fact that it is inevitable at old age, and at the same time, they don't take caution in health-related issues. Nutrition and exercise is the basis for a good health. Once the necessary nutrients are supplied then health will definitely be a balance to some point but if it is poor the diseases like osteoporose (osteoporosis) are inevitable which may last in the body till death if the necessary reduction treatment is not taken.
The human body is made up of bones as the main structure, these bones are been used up as you perform daily activities and new ones are produced also by the body by the use of calcium and magnesium which are gotten from the food eaten and supplements. This bone production is what keeps the body in the right order but a time comes usually at an old age when the production of new bones reduce and weakness set in, this is known as osteopenia a stage where the production of bones in the body is low compared to bone usage.
Ways to prevent osteoporose (osteoporosis),
  • Good diet
When you eat good food that aid body and bone building, you have a great chance of never falling a victim of this disease, but when your diet is poor you have a high chance of having it and even bone breakage. Food containing calcium is advisable so as to promote bone formation both in adult and children.
  • Exercise
This is a necessity that the body and bones need regular exercise to function properly. It is good to visit the doctor and know the right exercise that is suitable for your health so as to prevent further damage to the body system. Men are advised to build strength in their bones by lifting the weight, while women are advised to have a similar but minor to men weight to increase their bone strength.
  • Right Medication
Using the right medication for every problem is most advice as
Osteoporose (osteoporosis), can be trigger by medications. Some drugs have a tendency of reducing calcium from the body, which drains the bones and causes breakage.
The funniest thing about this disease it that it does not have symptoms at the early stage until a bone is broken before it can be detected by individuals but the doctor can run a check using medical equipment like X-rays to detect the level of osteopenia and prescribed a remedy before it becomes a major problem.

For more information visit on this browse this site.

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