In simple word electronic cigarette can be considered as an alternative to conventional cigarettes in which there is considerable inhaling of nicotine. According to statistics smoking cigarette has been considered as the reason for the untimely death of 20 % of men. Conventional smoker inhales tar, arsenic, carbon monoxide etc.that are carcinogens. The eliquid india came into existence to put an end to the dangerous spreading of conventional cigarettes. Smoking conventional cigarettes can lead to problems related to lungs, throat etc. in the form of cancer.
Who invented it: A Chinese pharmacist started producing e liquid in the year 2003. Commercial production was stared in the year 2004. United States and United Kingdom are the two countries where e liquid has become very popular.
What are the main differences: Instead of producing pungent smoke as in the case of conventional cigarettes, e cigarette India use pharmaceutical grade tobacco, which is nontoxic. In electronic cigarette tobacco is not used and one is not burning any kind of tobacco. In eliquid india, liquid is heated and the nicotine contained in the liquid is turned into vapor and it is being inhaled by the smoker.
What are the components: There are three components to an electronic cigarette. One is the battery other is the atomizer and the last one is the e-liquid. The battery is an ordinary lithium ion battery. Atomizer may seem like a complicated, but it is really a miniscule heater only which is used for turning on the heater and to convert the liquid into vapor. This is a very simple process. The concentrated heat produced allows the atoms at the top layer of the liquid to escape. The battery drives the atomizer. It is activated when the user starts inhaling the amber at the end of the cigarette. Click here to know more about #e cigarette india.
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