Saturday 19 May 2018

ccna online course

It seems like just yesterday, when telecom took over the mailing system. At that time, to that generation, It all must have looked like a dream, which could not get any better.However here we are! Wired to optical, byte to gigs, 2G to 4G we are surpassing the limits of our previous innovation and get to something fast and better each day.Development by mankind has been tremendous in all fields, but if there is one thing that has entirely changed and took over any style of communication ever known to men, it is the internet.What makes networking stand out from the rest of major players is that this digital revolution has widespread impact like anything seen before.Our Schools, Universities, Offices, Banks, Hospitals, Markets, Commerce, Government, Aviation, Defence, Research Centres are all getting digitized.Computer networking; be it with or without internet, limited within domestic or extended to international boundaries, private sectors or government, it is just everywhere. Think about it: from arranging transportation, looking for navigation, booking, shopping, reading, learning, communicating, social interaction, business deals and what not. Each and everything is now being done online.This entire e-commerce space, the giants like Uber, Amazon, every single one of them, their infrastructure is completely based on the technology grid which utilizes computers, internet, information flow, data security as its non-separable entities. Their foundation to future all designed to survive on power of networking. With the use of networking equipments and protocols, also comes the need for a dedicated networking team to set up and make sure their internet run smooth all the time. The future of networking is promising. It is have prospects, availability, have many levels for growth, pays twice any other jobs in industry and is much interesting and critical work than all comparative major fields of this time.

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